BlogSpirit's got an Android App Finally! (Monday, 22 October 2012)
Wow~ how can I not be surprised?
Initially I was rather upset that blogspirit has gotten an app for iphone. . That was like earlier this year when I was looking high & low for blogging-on-the-go tools.
Finallt it is making its entrance into Google Play! If only this could come in earliet, I might have thought of paying for the service of more blogging space in Blogspirit.
I love Google products but I never created my blog under Blogspot coz I felt that there's just too many ppl using it. xp
Before I came found BlogSpirit, I was using tripod and dreambook if I'm not wrong. Somehow, Blogspirit sounded better, sounds like the Spirit of Blogging and I moved my previous personal website cum blog over here.
Around the end of last year, my passion for beauty n health stuff went blazing and I enjoyed sharing great finds with people whom I interact online and in real life. Blogging seems to allow me to pen my finds, share with more people and illustrate better with visuals.
At that point, I have 3 blogs. Here, in BlogSpirit, 1 in Pixnet and Wretch. The last 2 were created initially to pen my thoughts in Chinese, my mother tongue language which I want to allow myself the chance and opportunity to always practise n be using. To be able to use this cultural language in expressing myself. Afterall, apart from using it among family and close friends, we don't usually use it for work and other day to day interactions as compared to Chinese who are living in China, Taiwan and perhaps Hongkong.
With considerations that I might not have much energy after work to be actively blogging, I thought that if there were apps that could be used for blogging-on-the-go would be great!
Sadly, I could only find apps in Google Play for WordPress and Blogspot and Pixnet. Hence I subscribed to a serviced blogging space with Pixnet to host all my reviews and pictures mainly health and beauty related at the moment. I need time to catch up with penning down the Food Finds, Travel Fun, Sights and activities which I experienced with my loved ones.
However, Pixnet has got its flaws in its apps. The picture uploading function is defunct. Despite sending many feedback to them, we don't see anything done to rectify. Hence I could only upliad my pictures into my blog via desktop and only to insert pictures into my posts on a desktop. I do appreciate the fact that I can still draft out my posts using the mobile app.. but it would be much better if photo uploading function works.
Reading so much of my blabber, have you managed to guess what I wanna share in this post? xp
Well, comparing to the Pixnet app, BlogSpirit app also has a picture posting option and sure as heck I'm gonna try that out!
If we get to see any picture within this post it means that it is working!
Anyway, one more thing to share is that both Pixnet and BlogSpirit allows email-to-post function. This function allows the pictures emailed to the blog-posting url to be uploaded and inserted into the post. The only downside (seems to habe alot of down side with every feature...) is that you can't adjust or control the size of the photos in your blog post though.. well... better than nothing I guess..
okok, that's all my ramblings for today. Im happy that with my badly blocked nose I am still able to "ramble" with out using my mouth, which is currently serving as my "nose" for breathing, I am very grateful already.
yea yea~ time to blow my nose n attempt a normal breathing now. Talk again soon!!
PS: I'm giving BlogSpirit a HUGE THUMBS-UP!! I am able to upload and insert a photo into the post via the app!! I'm even able to define the size of the photo with choice of Small / Original / Customise! !!
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