Monday, 10 September 2007
霜, is this cute lady born in Indonesia whom I met during my last two years of seconday, and who always amaze me with her sense of humor, her unique personality and way of speech/intonation, and lastly, her interest in astronomy.
It's like 3 years back that we last got in touch.... I thought that we will stay lost in touch....
Just yesterday, a sms that invites me to a gathering hooked me up with her.
I guess, the reason behind my not-so-worried attitude towards our lost of contact is that I know that she'll be back? On top of that, we will meet again? Somehow? Hahaha... I don't know... but deep down inside, I was not really that worried about losing touch with her.
I heard that she's all the same.... but attached... so I lost my chance? Hahahahaha!! No way!! I'm still heterosexual thoguh!
But it's such a great feeling to have, to have found someone whom you have not get in contact after so long.
We really should cherish every moment that we have with the ones we care.
In recent times, I have been thinking, while I am looking, looking at my love ones... I have grown older, and they have aged. I truly wonder how much more time we have left. I am thoroughly amazed by how fast that time could really fly...
If only we are awaken the moment we come into this world.
If only we are able to know that time is exhaustible as we come into this world.
If only we are able to view the present and look into our future as we come into this world.
If only we do... I guess time will never be priceless.
What was all that about?
Also known as Ah-Bang in the older days...
19:50 Posted in Friends | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Shuang, Diana Widjaja | |
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