Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Happy Valentines' Day!!
Wow~ It's the day of the year where retailers sends out the hype and increase the prices for simple things which we can also indulge any other day.. but then for today, it is so special that everything will be priced and viewed differently!
When I was single, I used to enjoy the hype and the romance in the air while wondering what's it gonna be like when I have my better-half..
Hmm.. ever since last year's V-day, I think it does makes a different when you have a special someone who celebrates this day with you.
For me, it was very random, unplanned, surprised.. coz we simply went to our neighbourhood park to have a packed dinner (from some food retailers of coz), and enjoy a sip of drinks or two..
When he sent me home, he was just playing with the guitar and initially it was just some random pieces and his made-up lyrics (coz he's bad at remembering lyrics?? not sure..).. I was just enjoying the moment, admiring him while he strummed, and thinking that he is talented with musical instrument (yea, I know many plays a guitar, but I prefer to think that my guy is pretty talented XD).
Before I realised, his humming & made-up lyrics to some pieces suddenly became a song for me.. a song he sang about me, for me!! At the moment when it hit on me, I was so overwhlemed with emotions, the warmth was astonishing!! Apart from the surge of emotions, I was also wondering if I shoot start filming him!! hahaha.. but my senses got better of me to simply enjoy this exclusive performance and allow our hearts to rejoice~ It moved me so much that before I knew it.. tears well-up and flowed as he sang to me his love and his feelings.. Definitely Unforgettable~ My first V-day... Thank you dear~!!
What about yours?
Heh heh.. I'm wondering what's up-coming for this year's but I am also trying hard not to anticipate too much as whatever that I have now on a day to day basis.. I believe is more than enough to last a life time. XD (I know I know.. MUSHY TO THE MAX!! )
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