Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Getting Busy Online~
As always, Time flies and almost unsurprisingly, I am entering a new decade of my Life... the year that I will get a chance to change / update my identity card as current one was issued in the year 1996.... I am among the last batch of citizens who get to receive their ID cards when they hit 12 years old. YES, do you maths and you can find out my age. XD
With this new year, I am looking forward to some sort of stability in my relationship and ultimately, embarking on a journey in my career and interests.
That was why I have been rather busy recently dealing with all these:
- Setting up a Google+ Page & Site that supports my professional development in HR.L&D
- Updating my blogs on Tech gadgets + Makeup, filming of videos for YouTube channel for gadgets and beauty
- Scheduling an event and tapping onto Google Forms, to recruit volunteers to assist me in my personal interests (i.e. Makeup!!)
- Job search and refining CV and LinkedIn profile
- Subscription to the Adult Education Network under IAL
- Continuing my further studies - already undergoing my masters degree programme
I am rather pleased with what I have accomplished during the past 3 months and I really hope that 2014 shall be a fruitful year in terms of career, learning, and pursue of interests.
If you are missing me already, come on! Find me on my social media platforms and interact with me there! I am sure it is not that difficult as I have left some footprints here that should lead you on~
Despite the downs that took place in 2013 and the years before, I am very grateful for what I have learned, experience and knowledge gained, the mistakes that were made, the frustrations that I have to go through... all these made me the person that I am.
As I always reminded myself.. let me repeat it again:
"Happiness is a Choice that can be made"
"知足常樂 笑口常開"
Stay positive and always look out for the something that brightens your day.
I love rainy days for the peaceful ambiance and the cooling weather, yet I always prefer the Shinning Sun that brightens up world infront of me.
Let's work hard and work smart as we paved our life during this limited time.
Let's enjoy the simple pleasures in life as we tackle our way through the obstacles laid ahead.
May peace and happiness be within reach.
May smiles and laughter accompany us.
I can continue rambling these nonsensical nothings.. but I think my lids are getting heavy..
We shall talk again~
22:52 Posted in Beauty, Blog, Cosmetics / Makeup, Gadgets & Apps, It's Just Me!, My Interests, Thoughts... | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: 2014, online, social media, online activities, google sites, google pages, personal pages, professional development, continuous learning, life journal, thoughts | |
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