Friday, 20 April 2018
[Book Review | 好書分享] 玩酷医生,不像话 - 雅莎著
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好看之處,在於女主角被"邪裡邪氣"又霸道的男主角勾搭上的過程,劇情的發展不會太牽強,不會太肉慾,也很溫馨。現代版的人物背景,黑道角色+邪氣凌人+武術+醫生+親情溫暖及冷血勢力的對比元素,讓人很樂意沉浸在故事中,替主角揪心氣憤,也被劇情的小小驚喜及作者對待"小生命的正面處理"感到開心! 曾經也讀過其它較黑暗的抒情小說,作者很直接的探入"黑暗",雖然逼真寫實,但本人還是比較喜歡正面式的處理故事情節。
#bookreview #novels #romance #fiction #Chinesebooks #ebooks #bookRecommendations
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Tuesday, 09 May 2017
[My Thoughts] Law of Attraction video by Wing - DivaMakeupQueen
My 2nd attempt at posting this coz I had executed my deep fears of not saving the post and losing it... it is exactly how the L.O.A. works and dammned me that I just commented on Wing's video about the ways this Universe kept reminding me of the L.O.A versus what I want.
Since I haven't wrote such a long comment in awhile, let me shares it with you here, as it also shed some light on what's happened in my life recently.
"Wing, I have something to share! I love reading and buying books (fictional/non-fictional etc) to a point that I did run out of space but still reluctant to rid my books since I've acquired them from childhood days. As I am working and willing to set money aside for books & stuff, I will pop by our famous book store Kinokunya to simply check out the books, mangas and magazines. I enjoy browsing the new releases and recommendations sections for books written in English and Chinese. Some years back, I chanced upon this Chinese book titled 吸引力法則 with the original title Law of Attraction also printed, I bought it right away. I honestly haven't finished it but I did realised some stuff. Firstly, the book mentioned that the more you manifest/keep thinking about something or fearing something, what you kept focusing on (regardless of it being a good thing or a bad thing), it WILL HAPPEN. That pointer, hit me so hard as many past experiences on things that i dreaded and kept thinking of "I don't want it to happen" had happened. Similarly, things that I genuinely want/wished for, came to me e.g. lucky draw for tickets to idols' concert years before I read the book, till most recently, earlier this year, when I was in dire need for a job, and sensing the r/s wasn't heading anywhere that I wanted, I was telling myself and even wished to the deity worshipped at home + "老天爷" which may be similar to the "universe", that I really really need a job to come by, and a man who simply loves me, makes me happy, shower me with attention I needed, give me a sense of security and who also had marriage in mind and plans on executing it within the next 2-3 years. I really wished for the job and the someone with a determination that no matter how, with or without help, I will go get it. Guess what? Things just suddenly fall into places almost less than 48hours or so, now that I think back on it. The way it happened, it was really phenomenal. As much as i have experienced it since years ago, sometimes I think that the universe has its way of reminding me to keep staying positive, not just simply because it keeps good things coming, but because it is what I have decided to be since one fateful day in my secondary school life, that I want happiness in my life and I will always find it in all simplicity. I'd like to think that although reality is harsh, as long as you have faith, you chose and want to be happy, it is definitely achievable as it/universe/Allah/God/Deities whoever it is, will help you.
I am so glad that you've found out about the law of attraction and you are so generous at sharing your experience with us! heh heh... sorry for this unusually long comment, but this is really one topic that interests me and resound in me. I'm definitely looking forward to watching a series on the law of attraction!"
Watch the video to find out which
book was recommended and it is what I'll be reading pretty soon!
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Saturday, 29 April 2017
Life's ups and downs
Life has been interesting lately.
Relationship that ended and blossomed.
Priorities changed as we aged.
Experiences that grows you, made you truly realised the meaning of "you lose something, you gain something".
Balance, is indeed in existence.
I have 1 new discovered quote:
"Staying in love is a choice!"
What have you been up to lately?
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Monday, 15 February 2016
Chinese Zodiac Reflects Ancestry's Conviction on Desired Virtues
Received from my dearest ex-boss and friend Peggy Tan: what each animal in the Chinese Zodiac symbolises and represents. Why and how they are arranged in the Zodiac. Recall the legends of the 12 Zodiac (12生肖的传说/故事), it's show how reflecting what ancesters wished upon their decendents. The desired virtues to possess. I think that this, storks be shared.
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Monday, 21 September 2015
A Gan Signature Milk Tea - Bubble Tea!!!
I knew about the A Gan Bubble Tea for a long time... since it's first outlet near the NEL entrance towards Plaza Singapura but I never thought of giving it a try coz in my heart I thought that it's just another overrated bubble tea..
I couldn't resist the urge 2 weeks back and during the Saturday afternoon while me and sister were shopping in chinatown point daiso, I had a craving for something which I couldn't pin down.
Once we were done paying for our stuff, right outside the Daiso store in Chinatown point we saw A Gan tea (阿甘泡泡茶)&寒天晶球... somehow decided to give it a try.
There after I had been hooked! hahaha.. love the chewy kanten jelly bits as those are very chewy and almost tasteless, which is what I prefer over "bubbles/pearls".
19:13 Posted in It's Just Me!, Product Review, Thoughts... | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: 阿甘泡泡茶, agan tea, bubble tea, a gan tea, agan signature milk tea, kanten crystal ball, 寒天晶球 | |
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Saturday, 06 September 2014
Babies around me~
Initially at the start of the year I was wondering why does it seems that there are a lot of YouTube Gurus getting pregnant... then, I also realised and found out that there were several ladies around me who were pregnant...
Now, I have babies that were just born into this world around me... I like babies since I get to see lots of them when my aunties get pregnant with my little cousins. My mum used to help out with friends and other people's babies as in she used to be a caretaker that helps to care for babies whose parents needa work. I have always loved to help my mum out with the caretaking of babies.. cuddle my baby cousins when I visit them. .
Never had I thought of it that one day in my life... I wanna have one of my own.
I guess it's the body clock ticking... urging or forming desires of settling down, getting married with your loved one and finally having your own miracles -- babies.
Not too sure if it's the flood of babies in my life at this stage or it's me. I did noticed that before the end of my previous relationship, I had already been looking forward to settling down into a new family with a life partner.. after that ended and I got into the current one. .. I know I really want to move on into the other phase of life. Yet.. financially I'm yet ready. . he isn't too... and I decided to pursue my level 7 advanced diploma with CIPD, which is an equivalent of a Master's degree under the UK QCF system. what's worst was the career hiatus that came along after I have gotten halfway through my course. Glad and thankful that I am now sound in a job and classes had been fun and enriching. .
work as crazy as before but rather different than before. I am now tasked with higher responsibilities, I have staff to oversea and execute instructions from me. A totally new area for growth and am so excited and felt very utilised and appreciated. Well, there's always two sides to everything. As fulfilling as it can be, I am busy as heck. Tomorrow is my best friend's Wedding. I am her dinner's host for chinese speeches. . gonna stop here and finally get into translatin my script.
Shall catch up on my BlogSpirit again!
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Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Getting Busy Online~
As always, Time flies and almost unsurprisingly, I am entering a new decade of my Life... the year that I will get a chance to change / update my identity card as current one was issued in the year 1996.... I am among the last batch of citizens who get to receive their ID cards when they hit 12 years old. YES, do you maths and you can find out my age. XD
With this new year, I am looking forward to some sort of stability in my relationship and ultimately, embarking on a journey in my career and interests.
That was why I have been rather busy recently dealing with all these:
- Setting up a Google+ Page & Site that supports my professional development in HR.L&D
- Updating my blogs on Tech gadgets + Makeup, filming of videos for YouTube channel for gadgets and beauty
- Scheduling an event and tapping onto Google Forms, to recruit volunteers to assist me in my personal interests (i.e. Makeup!!)
- Job search and refining CV and LinkedIn profile
- Subscription to the Adult Education Network under IAL
- Continuing my further studies - already undergoing my masters degree programme
I am rather pleased with what I have accomplished during the past 3 months and I really hope that 2014 shall be a fruitful year in terms of career, learning, and pursue of interests.
If you are missing me already, come on! Find me on my social media platforms and interact with me there! I am sure it is not that difficult as I have left some footprints here that should lead you on~
Despite the downs that took place in 2013 and the years before, I am very grateful for what I have learned, experience and knowledge gained, the mistakes that were made, the frustrations that I have to go through... all these made me the person that I am.
As I always reminded myself.. let me repeat it again:
"Happiness is a Choice that can be made"
"知足常樂 笑口常開"
Stay positive and always look out for the something that brightens your day.
I love rainy days for the peaceful ambiance and the cooling weather, yet I always prefer the Shinning Sun that brightens up world infront of me.
Let's work hard and work smart as we paved our life during this limited time.
Let's enjoy the simple pleasures in life as we tackle our way through the obstacles laid ahead.
May peace and happiness be within reach.
May smiles and laughter accompany us.
I can continue rambling these nonsensical nothings.. but I think my lids are getting heavy..
We shall talk again~
22:52 Posted in Beauty, Blog, Cosmetics / Makeup, Gadgets & Apps, It's Just Me!, My Interests, Thoughts... | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: 2014, online, social media, online activities, google sites, google pages, personal pages, professional development, continuous learning, life journal, thoughts | |
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Sunday, 15 December 2013
MIA? Life events
This year is coming to an end in less than a month's time.
Several life events unfolded.
Breakup, job switch, Master's degree, new romance, career hiatus, etc...
I have definitely been missing in action for quite a long while, but if you read beyond the words in the earlier paragraph. ... I believe you know why.
At this point, I have a new start and I hope that it will be great. Relationship matters gets an uplift for me after hearing some good insights from a trusted source.
I'm heading out in high spirits today, been missing such light-hearted mood for awhile.. of course I rewarded myself with a nice look:
On a family date and ending with one from my lover.
I hope that everyone else is also enjoying their weekend with their loved ones.
13:41 Posted in Blog, It's Just Me!, Leisure, Look of the Day (LOTD), People, Thoughts... | Permalink | Comments (0) | |
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Saturday, 03 November 2012
[Article] Why I'm no longer gay but still want to marry a man
Article: Why I'm no longer Gay but still want to marry a man
This article covered not just what the title says but also something which l think is profound - - ♥LOVE♥
This particular paragraph that I have "cut" out simply because it is really inspirational. To a certain degree I really agree on the way he describe love.
Of course, I know that just by reading the title there might be to quite a handful ppl uttering %$#××_8£$
That is, if you never even bother to read the whole article.
However it is perceived and how one decides to perceive is beyond me. I just wanna share good reads.
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Monday, 22 October 2012
BlogSpirit's got an Android App Finally!
Wow~ how can I not be surprised?
Initially I was rather upset that blogspirit has gotten an app for iphone. . That was like earlier this year when I was looking high & low for blogging-on-the-go tools.
Finallt it is making its entrance into Google Play! If only this could come in earliet, I might have thought of paying for the service of more blogging space in Blogspirit.
I love Google products but I never created my blog under Blogspot coz I felt that there's just too many ppl using it. xp
Before I came found BlogSpirit, I was using tripod and dreambook if I'm not wrong. Somehow, Blogspirit sounded better, sounds like the Spirit of Blogging and I moved my previous personal website cum blog over here.
Around the end of last year, my passion for beauty n health stuff went blazing and I enjoyed sharing great finds with people whom I interact online and in real life. Blogging seems to allow me to pen my finds, share with more people and illustrate better with visuals.
At that point, I have 3 blogs. Here, in BlogSpirit, 1 in Pixnet and Wretch. The last 2 were created initially to pen my thoughts in Chinese, my mother tongue language which I want to allow myself the chance and opportunity to always practise n be using. To be able to use this cultural language in expressing myself. Afterall, apart from using it among family and close friends, we don't usually use it for work and other day to day interactions as compared to Chinese who are living in China, Taiwan and perhaps Hongkong.
With considerations that I might not have much energy after work to be actively blogging, I thought that if there were apps that could be used for blogging-on-the-go would be great!
Sadly, I could only find apps in Google Play for WordPress and Blogspot and Pixnet. Hence I subscribed to a serviced blogging space with Pixnet to host all my reviews and pictures mainly health and beauty related at the moment. I need time to catch up with penning down the Food Finds, Travel Fun, Sights and activities which I experienced with my loved ones.
However, Pixnet has got its flaws in its apps. The picture uploading function is defunct. Despite sending many feedback to them, we don't see anything done to rectify. Hence I could only upliad my pictures into my blog via desktop and only to insert pictures into my posts on a desktop. I do appreciate the fact that I can still draft out my posts using the mobile app.. but it would be much better if photo uploading function works.
Reading so much of my blabber, have you managed to guess what I wanna share in this post? xp
Well, comparing to the Pixnet app, BlogSpirit app also has a picture posting option and sure as heck I'm gonna try that out!
If we get to see any picture within this post it means that it is working!
Anyway, one more thing to share is that both Pixnet and BlogSpirit allows email-to-post function. This function allows the pictures emailed to the blog-posting url to be uploaded and inserted into the post. The only downside (seems to habe alot of down side with every feature...) is that you can't adjust or control the size of the photos in your blog post though.. well... better than nothing I guess..
okok, that's all my ramblings for today. Im happy that with my badly blocked nose I am still able to "ramble" with out using my mouth, which is currently serving as my "nose" for breathing, I am very grateful already.
yea yea~ time to blow my nose n attempt a normal breathing now. Talk again soon!!
PS: I'm giving BlogSpirit a HUGE THUMBS-UP!! I am able to upload and insert a photo into the post via the app!! I'm even able to define the size of the photo with choice of Small / Original / Customise! !!
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